Re: TIB: Help with Nested FOR loops
Re: TIB: Help with Nested FOR loops
i hate to be a disappointment but im not sure if that will work
follow the numbers in order
:For (I,1,sqr(c)) 1)this line is fine
:For (J,1,sqr(a)) 2)same here
:Stuff 3)all the loop stuff
:Goto B 4) program now jumps to b
:Lbl A
:End 7)now the program comes to the second end
increasing I
8)after the last I(when I=sqr(c))the program
gets an error b/c it hits the second end after Lbl b and there is nothing to
:Lbl B
:End 5)the program hits the first end it now increases J
until j==sqr(a)
:Goto A 6)now it goes to a
try this code
:for (I,1,sqr(C)
:Disp "I="
:Disp I
:disp "J="
:Disp J
:Goto B
:Lbl A
:Lbl B
:Goto A
it increases j first (1 to 5) then it increases I by 1 then does J all over
and after the last I it generates and error
maybe if i have time in physics or math tommorow ill work on something (in
school is the only place i get programming. done to many distractions at home