Re: TIB: Help with Nested FOR loops


Re: TIB: Help with Nested FOR loops

In a message dated 4/12/99 6:20:32 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<< I was trying to write a program (its kinda hard to explain) where like
 the lines are something like:
 for (I,1,sqr(c))
 for (J,1,sqr(a))
 ... buncha other crap
 then i want it to be next I
 then next J
 but all i know how to do is
 anyone know what to do? please help -- thank you much
i dont think this is possible
even in more powerful languages the second or inner most loop must end first
you could try using variables and some if:then statments for the control 
instead of the for loop
maybe if i saw more of the code i could help you out a little more
