TIB: Re: New to this but.....


TIB: Re: New to this but.....

I don't understand a lot of your code...  I assume that this is for 89/92/+,
right?  Anyway, I though that Define was only for a subroutine, and it has
to be either a program or a function...  I could be wrong...

-Miles Raymond      EML: m_rayman@bigfoot.com
ICQ: 13217756       IRC: Killer2        AIM: MRayMan

-----Original Message-----
From: Andon Coleman <gizmo98@earthlink.net>
To: ti-basic@lists.ticalc.org <ti-basic@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: Saturday, April 03, 1999 12:22 AM
Subject: TIB: New to this but.....

>I have a WEEEE little problem here...
>Don't mind my Source it's a little F'ed up right now because I've been
>trying to get it to fit on the screen any way possible...
>Take a look...
>Define ?=""
>Disp "","","","","   Andon13's Encryption","  Toolkit Version 0.7.1c"
>Title "     EnCrYpTiOn ToOlZ"
>DropDown "Use your own Encryption KEY?",{"Yes","No"},
>If =2 Then
>Goto default
>Goto custm
>Lbl default
>Define ?=3
>Define =6
>Define .=9
>Define ?=4
>Goto test
>Lbl custm
>Disp "Enter 'KEY MATRIX'"
>Disp "Enter 1st Variable:"
>Disp mat1T
>Input ?
>Disp mat2T
>Disp "Enter 2nd Variable:"
>Disp mat3T
>Disp "Enter 3rd Variable:"
>Input .
>Disp mat4T
>Disp "Enter 4th Variable:"
>Input ?
>Disp mat5T,"","This will be your","encryption KEY MATRIX"
>Lbl test
>If ?*-.*?=0 Then
>Disp mat0T," Has no inverse"
>Disp "Sorry, but that KEY MATRIX","is not workable"
>Goto custm
>Title "Encryption test"
>Text ""
>Text "Enter what you wish to encrypt below"
>Text ""
>Request "ENCRYPT THIS?",e
>Define a=char(y)
>Disp g
>Define c=char(x)
>If go0 Then
>Goto encrypt
>Disp g
>Lbl encrypt
>Disp "","","","","Encoded Matrix:"
>Disp mat3T
>Disp "Remember your 'KEY MATRIX'",""
>Disp mat0T,""
>Disp "Hit ENTER to view results"
>Disp "End Results"
>Disp ?
>I went as far as to do an
>If dim(?)>=15 Then
>.... .... .... But that didn't even seem to help... Any suggestions on how
>to word wrap?
