Re: TIB: TIB : Is there Spanish ?


Re: TIB: TIB : Is there Spanish ?

Okay well it would be a waste of space to recall a premade picture for you "routine" infact this not even a routine...
well any ways what you want to do is go to the catalog- variable menu (both 8x & 92 have this) and press z this will take you to the top of the list.  Then scroll down until wow you see a small circle (degree symbol).  This is most likely what you want to use as the "ball".  From there you can have your cords for the "ball" be put into a Outpt command:
Outpt (a,b,"o"            ; o is the degree symbol 
                                ; a is the x cord
                                ; b is the y cord 
I hope this helps... good luck
Basic/ASM Programming Center
ICQ #16817590
-----Original Message-----
From: The Garth Johnson <>
To: <>
Date: Tuesday, September 29, 1998 1:06 PM
Subject: Re: TIB: TIB : Is there Spanish ?

>well... if you have a 92/92+/89, you can save a picture of a circle
>and recall it across the screen.  program would be like:
>:for x,1,100
>:rclpic circ,1,x
>where circ is the picture for the object you want.
>now if you have an 82/83/85/86 you would have to do something
>different.  like
>you might have to change the pxlon to pton for the 85.  then you would
>basically, you just have to reference your picture in relation to a
>single point.
>hope it helps.
> wrote:
>> In a message dated 9/28/98 10:53:41 PM Central Daylight Time,
>> writes:
>> << Tu eres muy, muy estúpidos.  Vas a infierno.    >>
>> Al infierno, no?
>> Back on topic, I need a routine (or whatever) that makes a little
>ball go
>> across the screen rather fast, but I don't want it to be just one
>pixel, any
>> help?
>The Garth Johnson
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