1: What do you look for in a program ( game, math, ect. )?
A. Graphics ; B. Fun Factor ; C. Size of game
2: What are your top 10 Ti-Basic Games ( if you have any) and why do you like each one, ( short descrption for each if possible )?
3: What is you favorite Assembly shell and why?
4: What are your top 10 Asembly games and why ( same as the second question )
5: What is the 1 thing you like about the ti-85
6: What is the 1 thing you hate about the ti-85
7: If you could change 1 thing about the ti-85, what would you change?
I am doing this poll for a couple of reasons, one is to let people know what percent of people think what, that is interesting to me, two, it is for people who do not know what are the best games out there. and get opinions from other people, and also, I wanted to ask that everyone who has a ti-85 to please answere even just a few of the questions. Thank you
~ Cassetti ~