Re: TIB: Basic Commands the program


Re: TIB: Basic Commands the program

In a message dated 9/15/98 12:20:54 AM US Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<< TI already made something like that:&nbsp; the instruction book.
I just joined the list and I know basic pretty well.&nbsp; I have
 a question to all
of you.&nbsp; I am have been working on a program for the 86
calledBscCmnds.&nbsp; This
is short for Basic Commands (in case you couldn't tell).&nbsp; Myquestion is,
anybody interested in this.&nbsp; It is a program that will givea good
of every command in the Prgm Edit menu.&nbsp; It is written in asm.&nbsp;I
started it a
while back and never finished it.&nbsp; I stopped after I finishedthe I/O menu
commands.&nbsp; Does anybody need this program or know anybody thatneeds
it.&nbsp; I
could finish it up really quickly and have it out in a week, easy.&nbsp;Please
reply either way (want it or not needed).
&nbsp;</BLOCKQUOTE>&nbsp; >>

It still is a good idea to give to the extreme newbie who is too stupid to
look in the manual

( I apologize to all the "extreme newbie{s} who {are} too stupid to look in
the manual" I know one day you will learn, surpass us all in skill, start a
multi-gazillion dollar company and laugh in our faces )

	Maybe it isn't such a good idea after all?

Lord Anas Mystosis Nebuchadnezzar XXXVII
Head Preist: Kronk Cabal
Knight of the sacred order of WALL
Editor of The Book of Kronk
Protector of The Sock Drawer
Freelance Individual
and all around neat guy