Re: TIB: Re: garbled progs


Re: TIB: Re: garbled progs

Well, after all the times I rebuilt the thing, I'm pretty sure it works correctly now.  I can send and recieve.  The 'garbled' progs work just fine when sent back to the calc, they just aren't in a nice, neat little text format.  I'm pretty sure it's CAL that's doing it as at the top of every file it says:  *junk* CAL saved file ti-86 *more junk* or something along those lines.  I was just wondering if anyone might know of a computer program that will translate the 'junk' into stuff that is editable by the graph link software.  (It takes far too long to go through a 13k document translating each character by hand...)

Mike Frank wrote:

Well, they ARE editable, but it seems that it could be CAL that is giving
you problems.  Just to be sure, make sure to check your link for any
possible errors. (My friend once thought he built his right, but could only
send, and not recieve.)

I hope that helps.

Mike Mitchell
Wride! Development
