Re: TIB: Stopwatch


Re: TIB: Stopwatch

This is possible by the use of interupts, but unfortunatly interupts can not
be used by the basic programmer.  If you would like a clock prog though that
will display the time from the time of first operation i have attached it.
Please be aware if you are new to interupts that the clock will be
"installed into your calc"  what this means is that you will have it even
after you turn off your calc.  It makes it cool because it will pick up
where it left off in counting.  The only way to stop the clock without
taking out the batteries is to run anouther prog/game that uses the
interupts... ie Zblits.  I hope this helps as much as it was off topic and
not about basic but i did answer the questions at hand.
"assembly coders zenith"
ICQ #16817590
