Re: TIB: Looking for good 83 basic programmers.
Re: TIB: Looking for good 83 basic programmers.
In a message dated 98-10-22 13:35:57 EDT, you write:
> In a message dated 10/21/98 6:37:46 PM Central Daylight Time, PJChaser@aol.
> com
> writes:
> > Right now I'm working on a menu system that uses
> > a 'point and click' method; it might be useful to you in the OS.
> for any TI-BASIC program:
> :Commands to set up menus with text command or whatever
> :Maybe draw some lines?
> :Input
> You will notice a little cursor exactly like the graphing one pops up...
> can move it around with the < arrows > and when you press [ENTER] it stores
> the (X,Y) coords of the cursor to X and Y! Just an input command with no
> parameters!
> Rob Hornick
Yeah, my menu program uses that routine, but it's a bit slow. I can't figure
anything else out though. Anybody know a faster or better way?
Paul J Chase II