Re: TIB: TI-92 (and +) ToolBar graphics
Re: TIB: TI-92 (and +) ToolBar graphics
Which is exactly what I was talking about in Method #2.. Of course, the
naming of the picture is irrelevant because indirection changes strings
into variable names, and in order to use real numbers you would have to
convert to a string. Numbering picture names is just a matter of
preference, just like I could give them names based on what the image
looks like.
This may be a little off-topic, but there are plenty of other uses for
the indirection command in the toolbar. It also lets you modify menu
items, such as for toggle switches that check and uncheck as you select
it, or (in drawing programs) to indicate a selected tool or command
while allowing you to change it in a dropdown menu. The label simply
has to replace a check with a blank, or vice versa, change a variable
from a 0 to a 1, a false to a true, or whatever, before returning
straight to the menu.
>You could also make the picvars be pic1,pic2,pic3 . . . and then use
>variable indirection to change between pics. This is by far the
>fastest way, and you can also use the same code to redraw menus with
>the changed picture.
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