Re: TIB: Converting characters to a numeric (ASCII) value.


Re: TIB: Converting characters to a numeric (ASCII) value.

the only thing i can figure you can do is a brute force method.  I
don't have my 85 right now so i don't know if this is exactly right...
ok what you have to do is get a string with every single character in
it.  In the right order.
"char1 char2 char3 char4 char5 char6 char7 char8 char9.... all the way
to char255"  There wouldn't be any spaces between the seperate chars.

then do a for loop
:for x,1,255
:if "A"==sub(list,x,1
:disp A,"=",x

what that basically does is it searches each character in the string
and sees if it is the same character as the one you are testing for. 
If they are the same, it displays the number x that gives that

you have to have the characters in the right order!!!

does this make any sense?

does this have anything to do with the dimentionti's challenge?

---Greg Miller <> wrote:
> 	Is there any way to convert a character to a numerical value,
> and then back again.  I'm not talking about converting "13" to 13, but
> rather converting the character "A" to 65, then being able to convert
> 65 back to "A".
> 	If the TI doesn't use ASCII, that's fine, I just need to be
> able to manipulate characters with arithmetic operations, then convert
> them back to characters.
> 	Right now, I have a big long string of all the characters and
> a subroutine which scans through them all and returns an index into
> the string.  So anything better than that would be helpful.
> 	I'm using a TI-86.
> Greg Miller: Senior Consultant (IT Security/Programming)
> Custom CGI Programming:


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