TIB: Re: Quoting in replys
TIB: Re: Quoting in replys
do you wand some cheese with your whine?
-----Original Message-----
From: Phil -You can run but you'll only die tired- Ratzsch
To: ti-basic@lists.ticalc.org <ti-basic@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: Sunday, November 15, 1998 5:37 PM
Subject: TIB: Quoting in replys
>When you (meaning everybody) quote a messege you are replying to, can
>you not also quote the last 12 messeges concerning that? It just
>takes a minute to delete them from the bottom of your messege, and
>saves space and time downloading.
>Phil Ratzsch
>I closed me eyes and all I see
>Are the few, the proud surrouding me.
>A secret world inside its own
>That only those inside have known.
>The pride of being so elite,
>The challenge one day I will meet.
>I quickly realize as I rise
>The obstacle before my eyes.
>But in my sleep I have seen
>That I will be a good Marine.
>Taken from "Leatherneck" magazine
>Recieved from Major R. Wendel
>On June 12,1998, the day of my enlistment.