TIB: number to string... WORKS!
TIB: number to string... WORKS!
This is great!!! Would you mind explain what's happening here though. I
have been able to this code in my programs and plugin the varible I need to
use, but I'm not undetstanding how this works.
Thanks a lot, this code really is a lifesaver.
At 01:06 PM 11/8/98 -0600, you wrote:
>I'm assuming 85/86 here. It's possible - with some trickery. I learned this
>when it was brought up on this mailinglist a couple years ago, and it's
been a
>lifesaver in some of my programs.
>:Input A
>:<Do things with the number here>
>:LinR C,D
>Now B is a string of the number A.
Jeff Glover