Re: TIB: Int() Error same on 86


Re: TIB: Int() Error same on 86

In a message dated 11/7/98 6:38:27 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

> >  3root(125)->X
>  >  and X will return 5, but:
>  >  int(x)
>  >  returns 4!

When any of the TI-86 or less calcs does roots it's only an approximation;
this approximation (probably 4.99999999999999) is stored in ram but when run
through the output routine it's rounded to five.  When you want
int(3root(125)) you use the 4.999999999999999 stored in mem and the integer
part of that is 4.  I don't know an easy way to get around this, except to
write your own radical reducer program.  The 92 doesn't do this and I don't
think that the 89 does either.
Hope this clears things up.
Paul Chase II