Re: TIB: sprites...


Re: TIB: sprites...

In a message dated 11/8/98 1:50:23 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

yes, I have an 86, but i tried it with 2 = signs but it still doesn't work.
All it does is, well nothing at all.  I type in the progs name and then it
displays "Done"  doesn't go to the graph or anything.  anything else you can
see that is wrong with that code?


> On the 86, when you say:
> :If c=24
> what you are doing is storing 24 to a new equation called "c", then just 
> saying "If" for the hell of it.  What you need to do insteadis say:
> :If c==24
> with 2 equals signs, therefore performing a mathematical test insteadof a 
> variable assignment.