Re: TIB: 86->85
Re: TIB: 86->85
Au contraire, my good friend (Oh, Morticia, you spoke French!)! :-).
This is a lot more efficient:
:Repeat A(does not equal)0
:getKy(store to)A
:If A==11
:Goto KeyF1
:blah blah blah...
You see, the only thing in the loop at all is the getKy operation, and
when the calculator reaches "End", it tests to see if A does not equal
0. If it does equal 0, then it goes back to the beginning. Otherwise,
it continues with the program. Other people have probably thought of
this too, but I thought of it myself. Hope this helps! wrote:
> I don't know what routine you are using, but here's what I use
normally that
> seems efficient to me:
> :Lbl LOOP
> :getky->A
> :If A==0
> :Goto LOOP
> :If A==11
> :Goto KeyF1
> :If A==12
> :Goto KeyF2
> :Goto LOOP
> I hope this helps. Tell me whether or not it works well.
> Greg Sharp
> > Also, does anyone know of a good method to use the getKy command
and have
> > it work fast when using a bunch of keys. The 86 can be real slow
at times
> > and that is a time when I can really notice it.
--Adam Newhouse
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