TIB: Help!


TIB: Help!

Hi, I'm just beginning to program with the TI-86.  Here is my code, I need it
to display a picture if they get the number right.  If it's wrong, it needs to
keep going.  I'm not sure what to do!  (note: This program I am using as an
example to learn from so it is a bit childish!)

:Lbl TOP
:Input A
:If A=666
:Disp A
:If A<666
:Disp "Try again"
:Input A
:If A=666
:Disp "Dude, try"
:Disp "Satans call sign"
:Input B
:If B=666
:Disp B:Goto TOG  		; Here is where I want it to display a picture as above
where it 
:If B<666; 				says if A=666    or B=666
:Disp "You suck, bye"
:Lbl TOG	
:Disp "Finally..."
:Disp "Hit enter for"
:Disp "your suprise!"
:Pause :ClLCD
:RcPic NATAS					
