TIB: RPG Question


TIB: RPG Question

I am currently working on a graphical rpg for the 85, and I have a
question for you guys. Would you rather have the game be smaller but run
slower, or have it run faster but be much larger? I currently have it
running by reading each 5x5 room from a string into a 5x5 matrix. It is
very small (13x21 map ~ 250 bytes) but very slow. I could go back to
using a 13x21 matrix, but the matrix alone was almost 3000 bytes, but
obviously much faster. With the large matrix I would have it read the
whole map into the matrix, then use the 5x5 for the currently displayed
area (proved to be easier when centering on the screen). The matrix also
made it modifiable (objects dont reapear when reentering a room), unless
anyone can tell me how to modify a specific part of the string. Its
looking pretty cool so far, and is about 80% done. With your help I
should have it done in a week or so.


Clive Bentley