Re: TIB: Help!
Re: TIB: Help!
> Need help on 3D mazes, reply soon
Now that I think about it, I remember a basic 85 program written
a LONG time ago that did 3D mazes. It was pretty slow, but
it was cool. I don't know if it's still around. The last time I saw it
was before and soon after ZShell came out. Back
then, I used the local colleges to find games since there was
no organized means of finding any good ones on the Internet.
I don't really remember how it worked, but it did use some
complicated equations and a lot of Shade() commands. It
drew every wall that was in front you, even if it was behind
another. Although a large waste of time, this is much easier
than trying to figure out which walls were visible. I'll try to find
it again if you want. Other than that, I really can't offer much
general help. This list might be more helpful if you sent it
specific questions.