TIB: Swish/Ti-zine
TIB: Swish/Ti-zine
%Larry has been away for a while so this might be new or older message
replys you are now reading.%
I wrote to the guy about the ti-zine but didn't get through, so here it
is for him.
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Date: Fri, 1 May 1998 22:22:04 -0400 (EDT)
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To: SWISH97@aol.com
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 14:22:56 -0400
Subject: Re: TIB: TI-ZINE Starting-be a writer!!
Message-ID: <19980501.222828.3478.0.Larry1492@juno.com>
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From: larry1492@juno.com (Larry G Currie)
I don't have time for a sample until thursday (finals...) but I can do
something along the lines of these things:
I love commentary, but not sure what you mean.
Programming Help: Probably, manly the ti-82.
Reviews, 82/92 if emailed to me in UUE format.
What I would like is commentary (basically a column) where I can talk Ti
in general or even discuss specific programming things. ie. Using
graphics in your programs. I have made Tic-Tac-Toe 2.0~4.0 for the 82 in
a good, graphical format, similar to My Whack-A-Mole 2.0~3.0. I *Sigh*
also made dispette, a graphical virtual pet, more of a test for future
projects than a real game. I have also made a real/imaginary quadratic,
a graphical Newton's method, and a Binary<>Decimil prog.
~Larry C
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