Re: TIB: Graphlink ASM


Re: TIB: Graphlink ASM

Look at it this way...  The TI-OS is basically a huge assembly program in
ROM.  Every time your calc starts up it starts from the beginning of the
rom and runs through it.  If you know about asm, all the shell does is make
a jump ('jp') to code in RAM...  So the TI rom jumps to your asm code and
when its done it returns to the ti's rom code...

>> Is it possible to load an asm shell (like oshell 82 or ash) onto my 82 w/o a
>> link (ex - via typing on my calc?)  Thats how i get my basic programs i
>> if its how i can get asm stuff too
>You must use the backup in order to use assembly progams. The backup has
>been hacked and is slightly different than the normal information stored in
>the RAM. This allows programs to "take over" control of the calculator from
>the OS. With basic programs, the OS reads them and does what they say.
>With asm programs, the OS is tricked into directly running something it
>shouldn't. The OS cannot be tricked by just sending a program and must
>be hacked.