TIB: grant substitute


TIB: grant substitute

 Geez, what happened to the list.  DEAD!  Grant hasn't been sending funny
stuff since he's been away so instead here is some stuff from the absurd
sites of the 'net: http://www.sirius.com/~gilliams/  and 
 ~Larry C
 "all mail composed today with too much free time and a Ti-92"

Ovi's World of the Bizarre - April 1996 - Update 5


Devastated fan.

Source: Reuter

VIENNA -- A 14-year-old girl threw herself out of a third-story school
window upon hearing the news that her favorite band is breaking up.
Katharina G. plunged more than 50 feet and landed on a parked car.
Although she survived, she may never walk again.
The known Brithish pop group "Take That" announced that they were
breaking up and gave their last performance at the beginning of the
Authorities have found hundreds of photos of the group in Katharina's
schoolbag. Also, in the bag there was a love letter intended for the
group's leader Mark Owen.
"My dear Mark! Although I know I will never see you and that Take That
will never again perform in Vienna, I want you to know that I'll always
love you," the letter said.


Unusual name

Source: Reuters

STOCKHOLM, Sweden -- Two parents were fined $680 for not giving their son
a first name. So they decided to name their son:
The local court didn't find the name appropriate so they rejected it. The
parents are planning to appeal saying that the name is "a pregnant,
expressionistic development that we see as an artistic creation."
So what do they call their five-year-old son? They call him Albin. 


You ate my dog, you die!

Source: Mlada Fronta Dnes

PRAGUE -- A Prague court sentenced Miroslav Bartos to 11- 1/2 years in
jail for the murder of his neighbor who ate his dog.
A witnessed testified that he helped Josef Opa skin and roast Bartos' dog
before they ate it for dinner.
Two months later, Bartos strangled and killed Opa. 


Man gets rid of cats

SAN CLEMENTE -- 38-year-old Danny Drake was told by his landlord to get
rid of his cats or face eviction from his apartment. He did. According to
police records, Drake took his two cats outside and chopped their head
off with a machete.
Neighbor Nina Vasquez witnessed the decapitation ceremony from her
bedroom window.
According to Drake's wife, Liz Drake, their family spent all their money
moving to this apartment and couldn't afford to get evicted. She also
claimed that they did not have time to give the cats away. 


Bunny Hop.

Source: Associated Press 

AUBURN -- Several witnesses called police and reported a man dressed in a
white bunny suit with floppy ears and cottontail, has parachuted off a
bridge into a canyon. 
Police caught up with Avery Badenhop, 33, who fitted the description and
questioned him about the incident. Bandlehop denied being the bunny who
jumped from the bridge. Police found parachuting equipment in his car and
cited the man.
"Based upon the citizen's identification, the located equipment and the
fact that no other 6-foot rabbits were observed in the area, the
investigating officers concluded that Bandlehop was the bunny that
jumped," Sheriff Edward Bonner said in a statement. 

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