Re:TIB: To crash a 92


Re:TIB: To crash a 92

>Date: Mon, 9 Mar 1998 10:32:49 -0600 (CST)
>From: josh gioja <>
>Subject: TIB: To crash a 92
>I found a guaranteed way to crash my TI-92 using its built-in basic.
>(I have ROM 1.11, but others may have the same problem.)
>Width  Height  Result
>  0     0       Randomly displays vertical bars covering the graph screen.
>  8     0       Covers the left eight columns with random pixels.
>  0     8       Switches to the Graph screen and freezes, keeping the
>                  BUSY indicator on. Sometimes pressing ON generates a
>                  dialog box, but the calc never recovers.
>Someone on the ASM 92 list wanted to know how to do this.
Thats funny, last night I tried the same thing and my calc was just fine 
afterwards (Rom 1.11). Glad I tried the first two and not the last, I'll 
have to add some more error checking to my program.

Michael Van Der Kolk
