TIB: X-files game !!!!
TIB: X-files game !!!!
I have been working on a X-files game for about a week and it is about 65%
complete. Below is a list of ideas I had for the game. The ones with a
star by them have already been implemented. If you have any other ideas
then drop me a line. Once the basic version is complete( within two to
three weeks) I plan on converting it to ASM. I want people to play it so
tell me what it would take for you to play!!!
X-Files ideas
1)I have many clear pictures of the characters so it is not the same one
every time.(*)
2)I have photos of other people (I won't tell who) that will pop up from
time to time(*)
3)For the title screen I am having the normal title put into grayscale(*)
4)loadable levels(*)
5)I have created some ACII characters that look a little like scully and mulder.
6)I can make(and plan to)some animation(*)
7)Displays location and what not like in series.(*)
8)a file comes out and displays what level is on(*)
9)you will have to enter your FBI clearance code and after that if you want
back in you have to use that.(*)
10)save game
11)fastest time to complete case
12)I have some pictures of aliens to use(*)
13)easy interface with speed(*)
14)You will have questions to ask people when you come upon them(*)
15)you will decide if they are lying(*)
16)decisions will affect where you are led to.(*)
17)time constraints(similar to carmen sandiego)(*)
18)Can be killed, but the chances will be very low. You would have to do
stupid choices to trigger the possibility(*)