Re: TIB:New programer
Re: TIB:New programer
Jared Neilsen wrote:
> I'm fairly new to Basic programming and fist I'd like to ask is there a
> big enough difference between the different calculators to specify witch
> one your using? I'd also like to know is there some way to store a
> variable inside a program? So that you can save a bit of information to
> use the next time the program is run without creating an external
> variable? Also is there some way to center text on the program screen
> for the 92? You can do it manually with the output command but if it
> ever changes you have to go and re-do it.
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82/83 basic is pretty similar, and 85/86 basic is pretty similar. 92 basic
is different from the rest, and is similar to basic on the 89.
There is no way to edit a program from within a program (as far as I know).
Is there a function to find the length of a string on the 92? (I'm a bit
rusty on my 92-basic). If so, you could use that and center the text using
the output command. If not, I don't think you can do it.
Bryan Rabeler <>
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