Re: TIB: Re: RE: Proposal: To weed out useless and no good TI-BASIC prog


Re: TIB: Re: RE: Proposal: To weed out useless and no good TI-BASIC programs o

>>> My problem is that everyone is on and everyone (including me) is
>>> chatting over the lists now.  I open my box to find 5 letters.  I read
>>> and reply to them.  When I am done, I find 10 more letters in my
>>> box, most of which are replies to the letters I just sent... We
>>> really need a chat room that's easier for all of us to access.
>> #ti on EFNet.
>I obviously know about #ti.  Sometimes, I think we are the only two
>people on the lists who do though.

and they don't like me...

I want mommy...

