Re: TIB: Re: RE: Proposal: To weed out useless and no good TI-BASIC prog


Re: TIB: Re: RE: Proposal: To weed out useless and no good TI-BASIC programs o

>> (I have done this--download programs and rewrite them, but
>> I wouldn't ever upload them to unless I added something
>> signifigant.)
>And don't start now.  Posting edited source without the author's
>permission is a violation of programming etiquette.  If you do it
>to ZShell, it's a felony*.
>* In most countries, including the US, Canada, and Sweeden.

Ooooo....  And I assume Mp3s and Warez is a fe;ony too...  :)  Darn, there
goes my ftp server...  j/k