TIB: Program Checking


TIB: Program Checking

Hi all,

I just thought I'd add my two cents to the conversation.  I think a
4-star/5-star rating system is rather silly (no offense), as no one would
download the 4's.  Also, the rating is subjective and can vary from
reviewer to reviewer.  Storing all the files is a waste of space and is
confusing.  IMHO, the best solution is to keep one "best" program for
each task (Quad formula, radical reducer, etc.) and to compare any
incoming files to the current "standard" program.  This will eliminate
the clutter and confusion.  As Bryan has pointed out, this would be a
tremendous amount of work, so I propose that "beta testing" groups be set
up, one for each calculator, composed of volunteers with the calc they
plan to test programs for, a _working_ link system in place, and the
committment to speedily test programs (I volunteer for the 86!  ;-).  The
logistics wouldn't be that difficult to work out
(CGI-bin-password-protected web site on ticalc.org for beta testers,
etc.).  What do you think, Bryan?

Kevin J. DeGraaf

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