Re: TIB: Please Dont


Re: TIB: Please Dont

>>> l don't like jokes either. l take my Basic programming very seriously and
>>> greatly disturbed that there are actually people out there who deliberately
>>> infiltrate this list with bits of humor...
>> I am greatly disturbed that there are actually people out there who
>> deliberately infiltrate this list with bits of complaining...
>> If you want to complain, do it priviately.  There are 100x more people
>> interested in the TI92 keyboard driver I just released than your complaint.
>> Take it priviate...  :)
>Um, I think he was being sarcastic... I HOPE he was being sarcastic.
>I personally do not consider jokes a nuisance.  They may be off-topic
>or useless, but not as useless as all these complaints.  If you don't
>want useless mail, DON'T SIGN UP TO A MAILING LIST (you idiot).

Thats how I intended the message...  *I* was also being sarcastic...  :)