TIB: 3d coordinate graphing


TIB: 3d coordinate graphing

Hello, i would like some help with the math in graphing a 3d point on my 82.
It seems all you need to do is translate the the x,y,z coords a certain
amount so they appear '3d' on the 2d screen.  Imagine the z-axis coming out
of the screen:
                        |_______  y-axis

My question: Does anyone know a simple way to translate a 3d point onto the
calc's 2d screen?  I'm pretty sure it involves a rotation matrix like
[ cos X       0     ]
[    0       -cos X ]
                                where X is the angle

Also, does anyone have info on using a viewpoint in calculating the 3d
point's relative position?

Thanks for any info
osprey at nwinfo dot net