Re: TIB: wieghted dice
Re: TIB: wieghted dice schrieb:
> The easiest way I would see to weight a dice roll would be like this:
> :rand->x
> :6->y
> :y-(x<.8)->y
> :y-(x<.62)->y
> :y-(x<.45)->y
> :y-(x<.29)->y
> :y-(x<.14)->y
> y contains the dice face, 1-6, with 6 chosen 1.35x as often as 1.
> I had the routine run itself 1000 times and keep a tally of the results.
> 1=14% 2=15% 3=17% 4=17% 5=19% 6=18%
> Close enough. Only 4% different.
> Since (Rene Kragh Pedersen) didn't have
> the decency to take his flames to personal e-mail instead of flooding
> this list, I did. I just didn't want anyone to think that I'd be rude enough
> to ignore him or filter his letters.
That' quite nice, forget my letter posted before A.K.