Re: TIB: program speed


Re: TIB: program speed

Jody <> writes:
>>Jeremy Braun wrote:
>So, if I'm getting this right, you're
>saying that it is FASTER to do 
>:If C=2
>:Q+1->Q  (or Q/5->Q or whatever)
>and it is SLOWER to do
>Do I got it right?

No that is incorrect, at least for my TI-85.
The If statement was always slower and bigger.
The true statements were always faster.

A monospaced typeface is recommended for viewing the table.
      CONDITION                  CONDITION
       ALWAYS                     ALWAYS
       FALSE                      TRUE
     :For(X,1,100               :For(X,1,100
2.4s :If X>100             1.4s :If X<100
     :X+1->X                    :X+1->X
     :End                       :End

     :For(X,1,100               :For(X,1,100
1.8s :X+(X>100->X          1.0s :X+(X<100->X
     :End                       :End

     :For(X,1,100               :For(X,1,100
1.8s :X+(X<0->X            1.0s :X+(X>0->X
     :End                       :End
The last two examples show that the test used is irrelevant,
 ie: same time whether you use >,<,>=,<=,<>, or =.

The Unibomer

Jared Ivey

"It's a useless but absolutely vital precaution." -- Unknown

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