TIB: program speed
TIB: program speed
This is a little difficult to explain, but here goes...
I read a while ago about using the calcs ability to test logic
statements to combine lines of code. For example, instead of this;
:If C=2
you could do this;
and save a little memory. Well, in my program that I'm working on
right now, I have several of these situations located within in one
loop. Using the second example, Q+(C=2->Q, the calc will do this every
time it goes through the loop. However, would it be FASTER (albeit
bigger) to use the top example, If C=2 Q+1->Q. I guess in short, does
the calc look at a command if the logic statement is false. If C<>2,
does the calc look at the Q+1->Q, or does it quickly skip over it?
Jody Snider