Re: TIB: key sequence


Re: TIB: key sequence

> Is it possible in basic to program in a key sequence for the calc to
> carry out if a key is pressed?
> Ex: F3 (or any other key) is pressed at a menu or pause, and I would
> like the calc to "press" (go through the sequence to have the same
> effect that actually pressing the keys would) [2nd] [MEM] [F3] [F1]
> [F4].  This is on an 86, if it matters.  This is fairly urgent.
> Thanks,
> T

Well, "T", if you by some miracle you figure that out, I better make 
sure I don't share this program of yours!  If I'm not mistaken, isn't 
[2nd]+[MEM], [F3], [F1], [F4] the key sequence for "RESET ALL" with 
confirmation?!?!?  Either you are trying to write a program that fakes 
the reset screeen or trying to "go through the sequence to have the same 
effect that actually pressing the keys would", a.k.a. resetting your 

To answer your question, assuming the former description, you would use 
a combination of GetKey commands and test functions.  There are many 
programs just like this available at  I won't waste time 
explaining them all, and you  shouldn't waste your time trying to make 
another one.  For the latter question, you cannot write a BASIC program 
that will take the calc back outside of the program and start typing 
keys on its own.

If you do figure it out, I read a post from someone who would like to 
paste commands to the home screen with fewer keystrokes.


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