Re: Re: TIB: I need some info of an RPG


Re: Re: TIB: I need some info of an RPG

>Date: Sat, 24 Jan 1998 21:18:15 -0500
>From: (Larry G Currie)
>Subject: Re: TIB: I need some info of an RPG
>>-How many peole are intrested in play it?
>I will try anything.
This is for the TI-92, so if you have one then anyone is welcome to try it out. You can get the demo version at:

The demo is only the world map, however the game is running at the approximate speed the finalized version shall. Some stats, in case you're intrested.

Time  |  Action
 0.75s|  Walking around 65% faster than before
    3s|  Walking around and scrolling vert
    3s|  Walking around and scrolling horz
   16s|  Redrawing the entire screen

This data is subject to change as the last time I check was a few days ago and I have programmed a lot since. Redrawing the entire screen is a rare occurrence and should mainly happen after being teleported or moving to a new map, not walking around the map. This game does scroll and is decently fast for basic. Please try it out.
>>-How involing does the plot need to be?
>It needs to be good, unless it is a plotless game (ie. Quake,
>Whack-A-Mole, Indy)
Danger, dungeons, corrupt kings, rampant monsters, a danger in the north, not to mention evil wizards. Will that plot be enough, of course with a story.
>>-How long should the play time be? 30 min for a waste of my time or a 
>>couple of hours.
>Random and replayable
I am afraid that this an RPG with a plot, not hack and slash. Although there will be a great deal of investment in battle system. If you or someone else would be willing to write a program to create random worlds that would be great and I would do my utmost to support your development.
>>-Should I bother to document the engine so others could make a gmae 
>>based on it?
Okay, I document it and when it is complete I will give out most/all of my development tools so to foster developer support. Of course I will need to be mentioned as it is my engine.
>~Larry C

Michael Van Der Kolk
To get a demo copy visit:
