Re: TIB: -Frank--1&2


Re: TIB: -Frank--1&2

SWISH 97 wrote:
> hey about the money thing you guys helped me out with for my game with the
> U->200
> It worked great but I was wondering if there is a way to have something so it
> wont let them buy something if it will make them have  a negative balance?
> Also, if im not pushing on you guys is there a way to keep track of the items
> they have so like if they pick up an item they can go to a screen that
> displays all their items, and each item has a number maybe so when they pick
> it up it enters something like show-8  and then the item will be there,
> (remember TI-85)but they are all a lot a like, well thanx so much again and
> this is all i need to complete my game witch will be on a web page that i will
> give the address to when i finish, thanx again-Frank

First of all, the negative balance. I'm not sure how your code is set 
up, but you're going to need something like this. 
:If U<0
:(whatever you want it to do if the balance is negative)

Again, it will be a little different on the 85.

In order for the calc to know what items a person has and how many of 
those items the person has, you need to keep track of each one 
seperately (duhh...). I've found that the best way to do this is to 
use the list function. Say you have eight different items, and you can 
have any number of each of those items. What I would do is make a list 
that has eight elements - one for each item. Each position in the list 
represent a different item, and whatever number is in that position 
represents how many of that item that there is. I know it sounds 
confusing, but it really isn't. Let me know if you need any other 

Jody Snider
