Re: TIB: IO Cables as links


Re: TIB: IO Cables as links

At 10:01 PM 1/3/98 -0500, you wrote:
>s there a way to send thing, like a string for example, through an I/O
>cable in TI-BASIC, like the mulit-player games do?

ya man. to send a variable to the other calc, the other calc must first be
in a pause mode (like pause, duh, or waiting at a menu), then, to send the
var, use this:
Outpt "CBLSEND",<var>
lovely, eh? to steal a var from the other calc, do this:
Input "CBLGET",<var>
ive only played with this in 1 proggie of mine (some dumb thing where you
both wandered around a 5 room dungeon with descriptions, it told you whether
the player was in the room you just entered, but i never quite finished the
thing that told you when the other player entered the room. i dunno if thats
even possible, since the ppl at school are quite stingy with their calcs ;) ).
if anybody makes any multiplayer proggies with this, plz, let me know!