Re: TIB: Optimizing FAQ


Re: TIB: Optimizing FAQ

Michael Van Der Kolk wrote:
> Rene Kragh Pedersen wrote:
> >Michael Van Der Kolk wrote:
> >>
> >> The Optimizing FAQ is up at <>
> >>
> >> I think it will be useful, if anyone has some tips they would like to
> >> send, feel free.
> >
> >Keep up the good work!
> >One thing though: It might be appropriate to add a mention of how you
> >measured these time intervals. I, for one, would like to know.
> Used the exact same program with a pause "start" and a pause "done". Then
> I test them with my stopwatch until my fingers ached to the time that
> came up almost everytime (reflexes and attention tired after about an
> hour and a half). Look at the program to test the when and if statements,
> I basically modified that code to test the various statements. Is that
> enough explanation? I could post the individual programs but that is a
> lot of work for a bunch of duplicated code and extra work *wipes forehead*
> Hope it helps,

Yup, what I wanted to know was the stopwatch part. I was curious because
your times where measured to two decimal places which is quite accurate.
But of course, having run several tests with the same stopwatch should
do a fairly good trick.

          Rene Kragh Pedersen
Apparently my clothes are defective.
 - Dilbert.
