TIB: calendar


TIB: calendar

As always...

"_" represents one(1) space. ie. JODY_SNIDER

/L/ stands for the tiny capitol L that signifies a user-made list. It 
is under the list commands

@ stands for 'theta'

<>,<=,>= stand for "not equal to", "less than or equal to", and 
"greater than or equal to", respectively.

You'll notice how repetitive much of this is. It was unavoidable the 
way I wrote the program. However, I do have some ideas that might 
eliminate this problem for the next version. I know it's tedious...

:Goto 5
:Lbl 6
:For (T,1,D-1
:If X>84
:If X=6
:If X=19
:If X=32
:If X=45
:If X=58
:If X=71
:If X=84
:If D=1
:If D=2
:If D=3
:(just keep doing exactly as above until...)
:If D=30
:If D=31
:Horizontal 55
:If L5(T)=29
:If Z>57
:If X>90
:If Z>57
:If L5(T)<>0
:Goto 5
:Lbl 7
:Lbl 8
:Input Str1
:1->A:2->B:3->C...(just keep doing the same as before)...:26->Z:0->@
:DelVar L4
:While L2(1)<length(Str1)
:If L2(2)>16
:If L2(1)<128
:If D=1
:If D=2
:(same thing, just keep doing the above)
:If D=31
:While K=0
:If K=92
:Goto C
:Lbl 5
:Lbl C
:Lbl B
:Lbl A
:If J=2
!","_","CONTINUE?","[1]-YES_ _ _[2]-NO
:While K=0
:If K=93
:Goto 5
:Vertical T
:Vertical 0
:Vertical 1
:Vertical 94
:Horizontal 0
:Horizontal 51
:Horizontal T
:If J=2
:(same as above...)
:While 1
:While K=0
:If N>1
:If K=105
:Goto 1
:If K=24 and X<>4
:If K=26 and X<>82
:If J=1 or J=3
:Lbl 1
:If J=2
:0->T:DelVar /L/MONTH
:Lbl 10
:While K=0
:If K=105
:Goto 9
:If K<=43
:Goto 10
:Lbl 9
:Input "THE_MONTH?_",H
:DelVar /L/CAL
:DelVar L5
:If X>82
:If J=2
:Goto 5
:Text(57,0,"PICK_A_DAY_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
:Lbl 3
:While K=0
:If K=45
:Lbl 4
:Text(57,38,"_ _ _ _ _ _ _
:Goto 3
:If K=105
:Goto 2
:If T=-2
:If X>42
:Goto 3
:Goto 3
:Lbl 2
:If X=38
:If D>31
:Goto 4
:If J=1
:Goto 6
:If J=3
:Goto 7

prgm     3646 bytes
L2       27
L5       18
/L/CAL   308
/L/Z1    20
/L/Z2    20  Note: 20 bytes is the starting value. If a message is
so on...           stored then this number will be bigger.
/L/Z31   20
Str1     20
Str3     34

As far as I know, this works. If you anyone has any trouble with this, 
please let me know so I can attempt to fix it.  Also, if you have any 
input as to improvements to the next version, let me know. 

Jody Snider