TIB: Memory and Programming Question
TIB: Memory and Programming Question
Does it take more memory if a program is written vertically. Example:
instead of all horizontally :CILCD:W/Z:A+B; Also why are some programs
written across? Another is, In my program, If I made a mistake on giving the
correct answer stored (look program below) on C47(cars on street) and I
finished giving all the specs, but I want to correct C47. What is an easier
way to go back to Lbl UU1 or C47 so I can edit it?
:Lbl AA
:Disp "SPECS"
:Input "1)CARS ON SIDE A=",L1
:Input "1)CARS ON SIDE B=",R1
:Input "1)LENGTH N/W=",N1
:Input "1)LENGTH S/E=",S1
:Input "EDIT? 1(YES) 0(NO)=",Y
:If Y==1
:Goto BEG
(The BEG is I'm thinking, the Lbl area instruction so I can edit answer stored
in C47, or some other cases if I typed in the wrong number for C30)
(I skipped a few instructions to show a point)
:Lbl UU1
:Input "4)CARS ON STREET=",C47
:Input "4)CARS ON SIDE A=",L47
:Input "4)CARS ON SIDE B=",R47
:Input "4)LENGTH N/W=",N47
:Input "4)LENGTH S/E=",S47
:Input "EDIT? 1(YES) 0(NO)=",Y
:If Y==1
:Goto BEG
It's hard to explain, maybe seeing the program is better. Also, about that
edit part, I know that in the attached file in the program near the beginning
with :If WN==1 :Goto AA: Else: , is wrong(my stupid version of editing, for
example, C47). This is for a maximization program. Of course there are
better ways to do this program than I have it-I'd appreciate any help. I'm
not done with this, since I want to get through with these questions mentioned
first. Thanks for your help.