Re: TIB: Form


Re: TIB: Form

No, the html doesn't make the color white.  Using Paint Shop Pro (PSP) i
applied white text to the button bar.  But on the html, it makes the text
the same color as the background.  Get it?  Kind of confusing.

At 06:53 PM 2/20/98 , you wrote:
--    --
--    --If your Text color is #CCCCCC then it will end up white...
--    --
--    --
--    -->Alright, I know you all are geniuses.  So, break out your genius
skills and
--    -->help me with a question completely off of BASIC.
--    -->
--    -->I made this button bar using Paint Shop Pro, and I used white as
the text.
--    -->Then I used this button to create an image map.  I made the image
map using
--    -->CoffeeCup Image Mapper++.  So then I placed all the html in my
--    -->The background is some sort of dark blue.  Well, instead of white
--    -->showing up, the test is the same color as the background.  Why is
--    -->even though i made the text white?  How would I change this?
--    -->
--    -->Thanks for all your genius!
--    -->
--    -->
--    -->Alex
--    -->
--    -->Visit my homepage at:
--    -->
--    -->
--    -->
--    -->Or email me at:
--    -->
--    -- 


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