Re: TIB: Multitasking


Re: TIB: Multitasking

>> Hello,
>> Thanks for your help Jody, How do you know as much as you do?
>> Josh:)

Just like me...thats how most programmers are.  Self taught.  Bill Gates
said a few weeks ago that the best programmers are ones who are self

>No problem.  As far as the programming, it was all just trial, error,
>and experimentation.  I just kept poking around with different things
>until the calc started doing what I wanted.  The first program I ever
>saw was a quadratic formula for my old 81, and the MY first program -
>the one that really got me into this stuff - was a square root
>simplifier designed by me. (before I saw all the other versions of
>this that are out there).
>Jody Snider
