Re: TIB: Neophyte asks question


Re: TIB: Neophyte asks question wrote:
> > I have it...I think its a 9MB text file...
> >
> >> There is no such thing as a dumb question!
> >>
> >> I think I asked this before, but nobody answered.
> >> Does anyone on the list know pi to 36 trillion decimal
> >> places? Could you post it to the list?
> Hmm... smaller than I expected. I calculated it out to be somewhere
> around 36 terabytes (using straight tens) to get that far out.

Well, once you find the decimal pattern it's easy to compress it.
But I've said too much already. Actually, it's all classified

          Rene Kragh Pedersen
Apparently my clothes are defective.
 - Dilbert.
