Re: TIB: Windows for the 92
Re: TIB: Windows for the 92
Do a for loop with a real big number...
>I have a list of programs that want to be run, and the time when they
>want to be run. When the program's time comes around, the program is
>On Mon, 16 Feb 1998 wrote:
>> In a message dated 98-02-16 10:03:34 EST, you write:
>> << I wrote a Windows-like program for the 92. I think it looks a little more
>> like X Windows for Unix workstations, though. I believe I did a very good
>> job on it, and if you're interested in seeing it, please e-mail me, and
>> I'll send you the latest version. With it, programs are actually
>> multitasking without slowing down everything.
>> >>
>> how did you make it multi-task?