Re: TIB: Multitasking


Re: TIB: Multitasking

Hey!  The processor was orrigionaly used in the Mac in 1983 and in 1984!
The LISA used it in 83 and the Mac was released with it in 1984.  Remember
the superbowl comercial "And you'll see why 1984, won't be, like 1984"...

Btw, I was about half a year old...I just d/l'd it off the net...

>But to answer the wording rather then the spirit of the question:
>Yes, multi-tasking _is_ possible, but not with the given OS.
>The TI-92 processor was originally found in the Amiga 500 (multi-tasked
>already in 1985 - yes that was an "8" :-), and in similarly old Macs.
>So if you override the ROM and provide your own OS, you can multi-task.
>I _think_ it has been done in ASM too though. I don't have much
>knowledge on the subject and I have unsubscribed the asm list
>(correctly, in my first attempt, as it should be done, mind you! :-)
>          Rene Kragh Pedersen
>Apparently my clothes are defective.
> - Dilbert.
