TIB: Novelties


TIB: Novelties

Hi, everyone!

I'm still trying to set up Aim to support wind, and now I just need a 
few more finishing touches before I upload it to a home page, YES, a 
home page.  Before I finished, I just decided to play around with a few 
other (theoretical) ideas on the TI-92:

1) Has anyone made a self-replicating program?  Or a program that could 
spontaneously create its own programs?

I have a simple program named 'replica' that takes its name as a
parameter.  That is: replica("replica")  DISCLAIMER: replica is
NOT considered a virus; thus far, viruses do not exist in BASIC
and is (in theory) impossible within the limitations of TI-BASIC.
At worst, this might be considered a Trojan, but it has yet to 
crash or damage the calc in any way whatsoever.

Here's the program listing
 (as usual, -> is the store command,
        and /= is the inequality test)

 :Local self,x,y,t
 :lbl top
 :"" -> t
 :rand(8) -> y
 :For x,1,y
  :t&char(rand(26)+96) -> t
 :If gettype(#t) /= "NONE"
  :goto top
 :CopyVar #self,#t

The parts before and including the For..EndFor loop are used to
create a 1-8 length string of lowercase characters, saved as 't'.
Then the program tests if there is a variable that happens to have a
name exactly like t.  If not, it copys itself to that new variable
name and executes the copy.  This is a very rudimentary program; if
you run it, keep it in a separate folder to make cleanup easy.  This
program is quite limited, but it only took a matter of seconds to
write the first time.

2) Could a pair of linked TI-92s automatically determine a "host"
and "client" based on the order the communications started?

So far, this project has been unsuccessful and might even be
impossible, but it's a work in progress.

 Local t
 Lbl top
   0 -> t
   SendCalc t
   PxlText "Connected with host",1,1
   2 -> t
   PxlText "Waiting for calc",1,1
   GetCalc t
   Text "Connection established",1,1
   1 -> t
  0 -> t
 0 -> ok
 If t /= 0 Then
  Text "   Connection failed!"
  Text "       Try again?"
 If ok=1
  Goto top
 0 -> t

I just noticed when I typed that the program did not continue normally 
when t=2, but I think the main problem is in the nested 'Try' 
statements.  More ideas are being formulated.


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