TIB: Incoming Mail :~|


TIB: Incoming Mail :~|

Hey Guy's I'm Back.  Sorry for dumping about 12 messages on you.  My data
line went down, bouncing me from the lists when my mailbox overflowed,
then it took 5 days for them to fix the line, now I am finally back. 
Anyhting exciting happen when I was gone?  Have got a lot done on my
website though.  We now list dead, immortal, and ancient (old) equipment

~Larry C
Larry1492@juno.com <-Text/UUE
Deadstuff@yahoo.com <-Binaries/info for the electronics graveyard
Contact me to put your dead/immortal/antique electronics on my new
website: the Vaccuum Gateway
"A combination Graveyard/Sanatarium/Rest Home"

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