Re: TIB: Windows for the 92


Re: TIB: Windows for the 92

I have a list of programs that want to be run, and the time when they
want to be run. When the program's time comes around, the program is


On Mon, 16 Feb 1998 wrote:

> In a message dated 98-02-16 10:03:34 EST, you write:
> << I wrote a Windows-like program for the 92. I think it looks a little more
>  like X Windows for Unix workstations, though. I believe I did a very good
>  job on it, and if you're interested in seeing it, please e-mail me, and
>  I'll send you the latest version. With it, programs are actually
>  multitasking without slowing down everything.
>   >>
> how did you make it multi-task?

Follow-Ups: References: