Re: TIB: Games
Re: TIB: Games
>>> "Nobody will ever need more than 640k RAM!" -- Bill Gates, 1981
>>> "Windows 95 needs at least 8 MB RAM." -- Bill Gates, 1996
>>> "Nobody will ever need Windows 95." -- logical conclusion
>> Have you heard that in a priviate meating bill said anything he sells will
>> be out dated in 2 years?
> Nope, hadn't heard that.
>> That will hurt buisness, especially since it was
>> in the news paper...
> Fine by me. :)
>> Btw, can someone give me a list of the basic tokens
>> and a hex value that goes with them?
> Do I get to choose the hex values? ;-)
If I didn't know better, I'd say you wrote this letter for no reason except to
waste bandwidth. Wait, I don't know better...