Re: TIB: Re: Wheee
Re: TIB: Re: Wheee
Do 8th graders get to take the ASHME test?
>Daniel M Vlacich wrote:
>> I don't mean to flame, but you really should get a new monitor or some
>> glasses. My brother can read it without his glasses close up and he's
>> farsighted.
>You're not _listening_ to me.
>I did not say I could not read it, I said it was not easy to read.
>Certain colours simply don't go together and you found some of them
>(they'll teach you that in art class when/if you get it).
>> But I will bold the text or change the background
>> eventually for those who are blind..
>You just don't get it. Try changing the font color to red, see what
>happens. Red is a contrast to your background and thus much easier to
>read, white (or yellow for that matter) are not.
>> What kind of monitor do you have,
>> anyway?
>Since I'm at a Silicon I'd dare guess...A SILICON monitor (you know,
>those expensive, professional, high quality ones? :-)
> Rene Kragh Pedersen
>Apparently my clothes are defective.
> - Dilbert.